Tag: sketch

  • Rose Staircase Still moving between places, between dreamsOnly stopping for a while it seemsWhere will we be going? I don’t knowSome place nice and cozy, we’ll call home /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6*/ Toujours en baguenaude, en vadrouilleOn cherche à droite et à gauche, on fouille,Que cherchons nous, que…

  • Home by the waterfall You can come to the waterfall from either wayUpstream visitors shall be offered some wine,Downstream guests shall receive some well cooked hamDinner is better when both sit at the table* *** Vous pouvez arriver d’un coté ou de l’autreVous recevrez du vin, si vous venez d’amont,Si vous venez d’aval, vous aurez…