Tag: sleep

  • DrrrZZZrrragon Having light sleep is bad sleepA dragon’s never asleepAlways watching for some thieves Makes them cranky I believe *** Sommeil léger est mauvais sommeilLes dragons ne dorment jamais, ils veillent,Être toujours à l’affut de voleurs,Les rends grognon pour leur malheur Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6

  • Sleep Guardian Sleep tight, tonight, the Guardian’s watching over you Dream far and wide, venture the realms of the unknownYou’re safe, you’re warm, the Guardian is protecting youEmbrace, hold tight, once you’re awake it will be gone *** Dors bien ce soir, le Gardien veille sur ton sommeilRêve loin, rêve large, explore les contrées oniriquesNe…

  • Bad dreams – Oh uncle. I’m so glad to see you!– ‘evening son– I must ask you for help. Would you kindly listen to me?– Sure, son!– I kept dreaming of a titanic figure, truly a god. Each night, over and over. At first it was blurred and vague. And now it is clearer and…