Tag: study

  • The Lady at the Window – Hello neighbor!– Good day to you my friend!– Are you here to take a glimpse at Our lady at the Window?– Indeed! Her mystic smiles always brings joy to our heart– Me too! So does my daughter here, and father, and grandfather.– Wait… that can’t be right… How old…

  • Another Raguse Another Raguse on another world.The style is the same but the place’s misshaped, twisted, distorted.How would you react if your place of living was mixed all around, the same blocks rearranged differently?Now I’m thinking of hamster in their cages and what they must feel. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur…

  • Crown of victory Oh to be crowned by sweet victoryOh to win, against all odds, in excessFar above the others, is it glory?That is not the same, as success /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 *//* This is a commission suggested by all my subscribers, Please enjoy! */ Ah quelle…

  • Underground study Far, deep under our feet, here they growsat a rate inconceivably slowCrystals, gemstones those shiny treasuresBorn from earth, true wonders of nature /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A4 */ Loin, loin sous nos pieds ils croissentA un rythme si lent qu’il nous dépasseCristaux, géodes et autres merveillesCes trésors…

  • Faces Practice There’s no secrets to get good at something, Practice, practice and practice againSo here’s variations on a random face. *** Y’a pas de secret pour exceller à quelque choseDe la pratique, de la pratique, et encore de la pratique.Alors voici des variations sur un visage aléatoire. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine…

  • Summoning faith Oh me Lord,I’m in need of guidanceShall I seek by meself your visions?Or shall I wait them in contemplation? Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook,From Vision of St Francis of Assisi, Luis Tristan *** Oh seigneur, me guiderez vous ?Je ne sais si je dois chercher vos visions,Ou les attendre en contemplation. Porte-mine sur…

  • Studying the thing – It was found by the coal company over a century ago. Pursuing a seam that seemed to go on for ever, the miners stumbled upon this large cavity. Not much is know of why they stopped the exploitation there and why they condemned the whole section. Many peoples from this time…

  • Violin

    Violin Violins can transport you indifferently to heaven or hell. Le son du violon peut vous emporter indifféremment en enfer ou au paradis. Ink brush on A6 sketchbook / Encre et pinceau sur carnet A6

  • Violin Violins can transport you indifferently to heaven or hell. Le son du violon peut vous emporter indifféremment en enfer ou au paradis. Ink brush on A6 sketchbook / Encre et pinceau sur carnet A6

  • Macabre After trying to draw cute for a while I have to do a little macabre to see if my skills are intact. *** Après m’être efforcé de dessinner du mignon durant si longtemps, j’ai besoin de faire un peu de macabre pour vérifier que je n’ai rien perdu. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook /…