Tag: treesforest

  • Adventure – Notagnome plays the Fulute Notagnome the goblin grabs the Fulute from the sprout. “Just in time!” they said with a gesture towards the trees around you. Intrigued, you look where they pointed and notice humanoids shapes extracting themselves from the bark, slowly converging towards you. “Don’t be a Fred! I know how to…

  • Mushroom turf war – 1 – You’re a moving tree, ergo this is not your place. So, leave!– Oh!? and what about you? Yer have a home somewhere, dont’cha?– Irrelevant, Mushrooms are for everybody. I say, we split.– In yer dreams! They’re mine and mine alone. Get lost!– Don’t bark at me, or else…– Or…

  • Parliament of Crows He croaks and he caws and he awks.Above the crowd he’s now the clerk  His performance better be good,To sway the parliament’s mood *** Croasse, cacasse, craque et jacasse,Ce herault jamais ne se lasseCar si parlement ne délasseCorbeau finira à la casse. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / criterium sur carnet A6

  • River in the woods Come here by the river, away from the sun my lovedip your sore feet in the fresh water hear a gentle wind shake the leaves aboveAnd let us rest here a while together *** Viens te réfugier à l’ombre des arbresTrempe tes petits petons dans l’eau fraîcheÉcoute le vent chahuter les…