Tag: treesforest
Mushroom turf war – 1 – You’re a moving tree, ergo this is not your place. So, leave!– Oh!? and what about you? Yer have a home somewhere, dont’cha?– Irrelevant, Mushrooms are for everybody. I say, we split.– In yer dreams! They’re mine and mine alone. Get lost!– Don’t bark at me, or else…– Or…
Parliament of Crows He croaks and he caws and he awks.Above the crowd he’s now the clerk His performance better be good,To sway the parliament’s mood *** Croasse, cacasse, craque et jacasse,Ce herault jamais ne se lasseCar si parlement ne délasseCorbeau finira à la casse. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / criterium sur carnet A6
River in the woods Come here by the river, away from the sun my lovedip your sore feet in the fresh water hear a gentle wind shake the leaves aboveAnd let us rest here a while together *** Viens te réfugier à l’ombre des arbresTrempe tes petits petons dans l’eau fraîcheÉcoute le vent chahuter les…