Tag: warmup
Eye to Eye Look at me in the eye,While I am staring too,What if I see in I,Something not me into? /* Krita + Yiynova */ Quand je plonge mon regardDroit dans mes yeux, sans fardsQue ferait-je si j’y voisAutre chose que moi ?
Hummm – What’s next?– I don’t know. I don’t even know this map– Hummmm…– We’re lost? I can’t tell.– I think so?… I think… I think we lost the story.– Ok. I get it. We can’t tell where we should be going. We can’t tell where it should be going. That’s the twist.– Yeah… But…
Tutorial result – dragon And why not? I need warmup to get back to digital. /* Krita + Yiynova */ Et pourquoi pas ? j’ai besoin d’un échauffement avant de reprendre le dessin sur tablette. https://www.deviantart.com/team/journal/Tutorial-Draw-a-Dragon-with-ryky-887583298
Pending analysis Research Log 1986-05-065The sample seems to stay stable this time. Let’s see…Viscosity…ok. Temperature… consistent. Gamma radiation level… … That’s can’t be good. *** Krita + Yiynova *** Entrée de journal 1986-05-065. L’échantillon semble stable cette fois. Voyons voir…Viscosité…ok. Température… normale. Radiation gamma…. … C’est pas bon ça.
Hello there Hello there.Could you spare some time to sit with me? I would very much fancy a talk. A friendly talk.A talk about a certain someone that came here and wreck the sacred burial site. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you? *** Krita + Yiynova *** Bonsoir, cher voyageur. Puis-je…
Corrected Magic Circle Erdunex is a mighty psychic, who can activate any magic circle with a single touch, Even those old scrolls from the forbidden library. He’s also a clever scholar. So clever in fact that, that there isn’t a single circle he did not correct before activating. Too bad he’s never faced a real…
Always bring a gift When traveling through the woodsAlways bring a gift, you shouldFor the stranded, the localIt’s courtesy, that’s simple *** Krita on Yiynova *** Quand dans les bois vous allezN’oubliez pas d’emporterun présent, un simple gesteC’est affaire de politesse
A pinch of a Soul Souls are precious and rare. Do not use it whole, my apprentice! Look what I can summon with just a pinch : A Wraith. A shadow of a soul, blinded by hatred. Forever incomplete.Wretching and consuming from others what it lacks inside. *** Krita sous Yiynova *** Les âmes sont…
Adharhax The rain helps my lifeMy life I needed to grow. To grow me an armorAn Armor to protectTo protect my Infant. *** Krita on Yiynova *** La pluie m’aide à grandirA grandir cette armureCette armure que je porte Que Je porte pour protégerPour protéger mon enfant
Mushroom picking In the magic forest, you don’t get to pick mushrooms. Mushrooms picks you, and yells at you, so beware!Be wary of what you touch, and watch your fingers *** Dans la foret magique, vous ne cueillez pas ce que vous voulez.Ce sont les champignons qui choisissent de l’êtreAlors choisissez avec soin, et faites…