Smoktober 04

The next morning came. The old sailor was still smoking. It was not painful or anything but became quite bothersome.
He went and asked several physicians and good doctors. None could help, and all were baffled by his condition.
As the days flew away, the smoke got thicker. Maybe one of me pipes is cursed? he thought.
Yes, but… which one?


Le matin suivant, le vieux marin fumait encore. Ce n’était pas douloureux mais devint plutôt gênant.
Il s’en alla voir plusieurs pratiquants et docteurs de renom. Aucun ne sus l’aider, et tous furent abasourdis par sa condition.
Plus les jours passaient, plus la fumée s’épaississait. L’une de ses pipes était peut-être maudite, se dit-il.
Oui mais voila… laquelle ?

Ink brush on A6 sketchbook / Encre de chine sur carnet A6Smoktober 2020 – An Ink story about Smoke


