Dwarven negociations

Thudione lost his eyes at a very young age. A lithium ingot slipped from his hands into the furnace. The resulting flash was so violent, so intense he instantly lost his vision and got a permanent tan. Some would be crippled with despair after that. Not him. He went to Balain the clan’s bard and made him tell every story, made him read read every book, every register, again and again and again.With hard work, By the age of twelve, Thudione has memorized every contract, every book of law, every single writing the clan has ever made. How proud was Balain, he thought he found the perfect successor! Halas the boy was more of lawyer’s material and soon, Thudione the Blind became the toughest negotiator the Brawen clan ever has.

/* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */

Thudione perdit ses yeux très jeune. Il laissât un lingot de lithium choir dans le grand fourneau. Le flash résultant eu raison de ses rétines et de son teint de peau. D’autres que lui se serait laissé aller au désespoir, mais par Thudione. Il alla voir Balain le barde du clan et lui implora de lui raconter chaque histoire, de lui lire chaque livre, chaque registre qu"il pouvait trouver. Il lui fit répéter encore et encore et tant et si bien qu’à l’age de douze ans, Thudione avait mémorisé chaque contrat, chaque livre de loi, chaque écrit que le clan possède. Oh que Balain était fier, il pensait avoir trouvé le parfait successeur ! Hélas le gamin tenait plus du légiste que du barde, et bientôt Thudione l’Aveugle devint le négociateur le plus redouté du clan Brawen.     


