Tag: monster
Frankencat A good veterinarian will keep your pet alive, and well.A smart veterinarian will make your pet alive, again /* Commission for a friend, Krita + Yiynova */ Un bon veto gardera votre chat vivant et en bonne santéUn veto doué, vous le gardera vivant… tout court.
Now what? – We made it!– ‘tis was not easy… I nearly lost my way into the Mansus, and the tricuspid gate… what a pain!– But look! We’re now at the court of Azazoth!– I don’t have eyes anymore since the transcendence… Oh my! All theses sacrifices…– All hail the Sultan of Demons! Iä Azazoth!–…
Under your feet There’s life right under our feetDid you ever care about it?You better take a good lookOr it will care about you. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Ca grouille de vie sous nos piedsVous n’en avez sur’ment cureVous devriez, car pour sûrCette vie saura vous trouver
Tea time – …and when I came back, the lid was broken and all the content has been stolen!– Oh my, this is most disrespectful. I mean, it was clearly labelled as a grave, with skulls and such.– Of course! We even carved some curses in forgotten languages and gargoyles and grimacing faces and all.–…
Hello there Hello there.Could you spare some time to sit with me? I would very much fancy a talk. A friendly talk.A talk about a certain someone that came here and wreck the sacred burial site. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you? *** Krita + Yiynova *** Bonsoir, cher voyageur. Puis-je…
Ultimate weapon The attrition war against the CGG (Coalition of Gentles Gentiles) has pushed the FLP (Fun Loving Plantigrads) on the brink of extinctions. There is no alternative. The FLP exhausted their options. It’s time to reveal their secret weapon, their last hope, the consequence of their hubris.It’s time to unleash……BIG TEDDY *** Krita on…
I am alone I am alone, you are many.I am enough, many we’ll be. *** Krita on Yiynova *** Je suis seul, vous êtes nombreuxJe suis bien assez, nous serons assez.
A pinch of a Soul Souls are precious and rare. Do not use it whole, my apprentice! Look what I can summon with just a pinch : A Wraith. A shadow of a soul, blinded by hatred. Forever incomplete.Wretching and consuming from others what it lacks inside. *** Krita sous Yiynova *** Les âmes sont…
Kawaii Shoggoth Viccus Thiccus makes soothing eyes. Myriads of beautiful shiny colorful soothing eyes.As I saw them on my feed, perfectly lined us and free to use, I know I’ve been cursed.I’ve been cursed to mix them all in what soothe me the most : drawing monsters. So behold! Here’s the kawaii shoggoth, Forgive me.…
Hunter’s door Behold the Hunter’s door!To stand before these stair Is to challenge the warriorsIs to say: I’m ready to dare! *** Voici la porte des chasseursBaignée d’une chaude lueureSe présenter à son oréeC’est hurler “Je suis pret !” Krita on Yiynova