Tag: mushroom

  • Shroom Hammock Oh to sleep on a hammock, gently sporing… snoringSwinging from side to cepe… to side,Enoki… and nothing to disturb us, That’s a bliss I want morel… more /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Ah se recueillir dans un hamac…La truffe à l’air, cèpes-t-y pas le pied ?Lactaire…

  • Slicing Mushrooms Heave-Ho! We’re slicing this shroom down!Heave-Ho! Tonight we’re having stew!Heave-Ho! Take cover when it will fall!Heave-Ho!We’re small so we need few! /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Hé ! Ho ! On coupe du champi !Hé ! Ho ! Ce soir y’a du potage !Hé ! Ho…

  • I dont wanna – Oh, Fairy of the Falling Leaves, hear my request!– Mmmm… na.– Er… why not?– It’s cold and It’s damp and my blanket is too comfy and I just made me tea. So… Your request will wait until spring.– But…– I don’t wanna. Now let me drink my tea in peace. /*…

  • Mushroom turf war – 3 HOW DARE YOU EAT MY BRETHEN ! *** COMMENT OSEZ VOUS MANGER MES ENFANTS ! Wacom Intuos on Krita

  • Mushroom turf war – 1 – You’re a moving tree, ergo this is not your place. So, leave!– Oh!? and what about you? Yer have a home somewhere, dont’cha?– Irrelevant, Mushrooms are for everybody. I say, we split.– In yer dreams! They’re mine and mine alone. Get lost!– Don’t bark at me, or else…– Or…

  • Mushroom picking In the magic forest, you don’t get to pick mushrooms. Mushrooms picks you, and yells at you, so beware!Be wary of what you touch, and watch your fingers *** Dans la foret magique, vous ne cueillez pas ce que vous voulez.Ce sont les champignons qui choisissent de l’êtreAlors choisissez avec soin, et faites…

  • The berserker choice

    The berserker choice Henbane or fly agaric ? *** Jusquiame noire ou Amanite tue-mouche ? Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6 Source : https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/09/viking-berserkers-may-have-used-henbane-to-induce-trance-like-state/

  • Leprechaun

    Leprechaun We hunted for mushrooms this morning We found one, with someone here sitting He told us : “Get away, this one’s mine!” So we left him alone. “‘Ok, fine !” As we were, quite bummed, now leaving, “Won’t you argue? Won’t you barge?” he taunted “No way man”, we told him. “Leprechaun, we know…

  • Mushroom guy After turning to the right before the chasm and following for a while the tunnel with the greenish moss on it, you enter a cave lighted by luminous fungus growing on the walls. Initially startled by your sudden arrival, a strange looking fellow wearing a hat in the shape of a giant mushroom.…

  • Inktober 2018 – #1 – Poisonous Let’s do this ! Ink nib on A6 sketchbook