Tag: tentacle

  • Tentacles IV

    Tentacles IV Are theses tentacles? They comes in all varieties and shape, And don’t get me started on the exact designation… arms, tentacles, pseudopodes… In the end, it all comes to grasping the concept. Or to be grasped. *** Dit-on un tentacule ou une tentacule ? D’ailleurs, sont-ce vraiment des tentacules, des bras ou des…

  • Friendly Neighborhood

    Friendly Neighborhood Hello neighbor ! Nice weather for this time of year, isn’t it? Oh please… Stop screaming, please. Do I scream? I scream not. *** Bonjour voisin ! Beau temps pour la saison, n’est-il pas ? Mais… pourquoi vous hurlez. Cessez de hurler je vous prie. Est-ce que je hurle moi ? Pencil doodle…

  • (Very) Exotic Dancer …aaaand last but not least, let us welcome our ultimate contestant from Rigel III : F-[è]aà%gr*stt§t!‘g that will interpret for you tonights a re-imagination of the famous ballet Swhanli Lake !    ***    …eeeet maintenant je vous demande un tonnerre d’applaudissements pour accueillir notre ultime participant, sa célébrité en provenance de…

  • Invocation II We heard the chants on meadow hills. They were here, by the raised stones, chanting, screaming in the night, this night of walpurgis.We heard the screams in the night. They were here too, and the cultists screamed more. *** Nous avons entendu leurs chants sur Meadow Hills. Ils étaient là, aux pierres levées,…

  • Great Cthulhu III “They worshiped, so they said, the Great Old Ones who lived ages before there were any men, and who came to the young world out of the sky. Those Old Ones were gone now, inside the earth and under the sea; but their dead bodies had told their secrets in dreams to…

  • Nyogtha again ‘Leigh strode to the center of the room, staring at the chair that stood on the black circle of stone. “You work here?” he asked slowly.“Yes. It’s quiet—I found I couldn’t work upstairs. Too noisy. But this is ideal—somehow I find it very easy to write here. My mind feels"—he hesitated—"free; that is,…

  • The call of painting Since the dreams came, Edward couldn’t paint anything else. He tried to use models, and references. He went outside, searching for landscape, portraits, pretty road, scenery, anything. He sacrificed his last savings into new mediums, crayons and supplies. He event tried to paint simple objects, his own shoes, a wall, an…

  • Poker Face – So, ho’s the new player?– Nice! it’s a jolly good fellow. I like him. but….– But what?– Very hard to deal with. I can’t read his face! *** – Alors ? T’en penses quoi du nouveau ?– Sympa ! J’l’aime bien ce bougre. Mais…– Mais quoi ?– J’arrive à jouer contre lui,…

  • Technical Difficulties I’m taking a trip to the Highlands, among fluffy cows and hills so pretty,Expect erratic behavior and non-euclidean responses during this week. Daily doodle are scheduled on Deviantart and Tumblr so don’t worry.I’ll be back in a week with tartan plaids, multiples stories and whiskey! *** Je part en vacances aux pays des…

  • Ponape Scriptures “Most called them ‘sea devils’ but one tribe chose to treat with them, and worship them. It was from the sea devils the tribe learned of the god Dagon, and during the abhorrent rites to this god, the tribe would couple with the sea devils.” – Capt. Abner Ezekiel Hoag, 1734. *** “La…