Tag: tree
Always bring a gift When traveling through the woodsAlways bring a gift, you shouldFor the stranded, the localIt’s courtesy, that’s simple *** Krita on Yiynova *** Quand dans les bois vous allezN’oubliez pas d’emporterun présent, un simple gesteC’est affaire de politesse
Adharhax The rain helps my lifeMy life I needed to grow. To grow me an armorAn Armor to protectTo protect my Infant. *** Krita on Yiynova *** La pluie m’aide à grandirA grandir cette armureCette armure que je porte Que Je porte pour protégerPour protéger mon enfant
I wish you marvels and wonders Commission for a marvelous friends For they special someone they loveI wish you both marvels and wondersMay you find the secrets from above. *** Krita on Yiynova *** Commission pour quelqu’un de merveilleuxAfin de l’offrir à sa tendre ame soeurJe vous souhaite de tout mon coeur à tous deuxDes…
Adventure – Out of the woods, alone You made it! Congratulations! Resting under the last shadows of the edge of the woods, you listen to the wind gently rustling the leaves above. There’s a large harbor below. Must be Dylath Leen, which means this large body of water are the Southern Seas. From here, so…
Adventure – Caught by the vines It only took a slight moment of inattention. Now there’s vines around your wrist, vines with eyes! It keep growing and moving, and wriggling around you! You must do something! What will you do? – Attack the vines– Let the vines grab you, maybe they’re harmless?– Get free and…
Adventure – Not Alone
Well, you’re lost.This forest is confusing, paths begins and ends without rhyme orreason. Fortunately, there’s no more laughs and voices. It’s stillcreepy, ‘though. You can’t shake this feeling that something is stillwatching you. Wait… have you been there already? What will you do?- Stay where you are, and wait.- Keep walking,– No wait, this way…
Adventure – You are what you eat Blood has been spilled. Roots were soak in it, and the Forest drank it. Should it has been given freely or by accident, it could have led to nice, gentle things. But it was murderous blood, full of greed and hatred. Killing blood. The Forest’s now full of…
Forest Monolith One by one they appearsDeep into the forests,One by one they bloomsHidden into the woods, There’s monoliths all aroundAppearing without a soundThere’s monoliths everywhereNo one knows why they’re here. *** Krita + Yiynova *** Un par un ils apparaissentAu plus profond des forêtsUn par un ils poussent, pourquoi ?Cachés au fond des bois …
New scarecrow Nobody likes my new scarecrow. Why? ‘tis just twigs and old rags. Why the hate?And this one works nice. See? No crows.Not a single one in sight.No tits either… Unrelated question, have you seen my cow? *** Krita on Yiynova *** Chai pas pourquoi personne n’aime mon nouvel épouvantail.C’est juste des brindilles et…
Mischieving Dragon at Noel’s Another advent calendar commission for very dear azurean friend.How can you see something so pretty as Christmas decorations and not gnaw at it? Want me to draw something for your holidays? Support me on ko-fi.com/Astanael *** Krita + Yiynova *** Une autre commission de calendrier de l’avent pour une amie azure…