Azazoth PCs – Choura Ilianovich

Choura comes from a wealthy and
noble family and married to an distant relative of Nicals II. He was
quite an oddball for a man of his stature, His talents as a sharpshooter
were unmatched, and he spend long stroll through Siberia honing his
hunters skills. His deep and powerful voice allowed him to perform on
several occasions in various Operas all around the world. Thus it was
easy for him to fled with his family the dreaded events of 1917. They
ended in New Orleans, and by a strange twist of fate, became involved in
a occult event that changed forever the way, tying his fate to another

Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook
Player Character from finished Call of Cthulhu Campaign : The Azazoth Offspring


