Tag: Hogwarts

  • Alastor and Hilda – Astronomy Alastor is not good with books and theories. He would rather learn with his body. To learn is to try, as he put it.He tried to cultivate strange plants from the forbidden forest. Nearly poisoned his mind with a Moon Flower. He tried to fly on a broom, Nearly fell…

  • Decoding Hogwarts, 3 feb. 2002 Hidden in the special hideout room they found month ago, the team starts deciphering the secret correspondence they found. Letters and notebooks, some hidden in double bottoms, some masked by some obufcat… osbucat… some masking spell.In the sofa, Cecil’s asleep. Too much emotions, they think. They don’t know about the…

  • Player Character – Paris Greengrass Hogwarts School for Talented Wizards, September 2001 Paris is quite talented with music. His extraordinary voice makes him able to captivate a crowd like no one else, gently stroking his lyre to produce the most wonderful melodies. He’s just a first year student, and yet his golden hair and angelic…

  • Cecil Tarrow Hogwarts School for Talented Wizards, September 2001 Cecil is quite the shy one, he doesn’t like to stand out much and only his closest friend knows why. Alastor remembers him as a jovial and enthusiastic boy, back when they were playing in Diagon Alley. He hadn’t seen Cecil since his fathers and him…

  • Cecil Tarrow Hogwarts School for Talented Wizards, September 2001 Cecil is quite the shy one, he doesn’t like to stand out much and only his closest friend knows why. Alastor remembers him as a jovial and enthusiastic boy, back when they were playing in Diagon Alley. He hadn’t seen Cecil since his fathers and him…

  • RPG Character – Alastor Nephentes “Thebes’s fines herbs” is an herbalist shop in Diagon alley. Astragal and Agatha Nephentes, the owners, have recently the joy to have their only son Alastor accepted in Hogwarts School for Wizard. As they often boasted of their ancient Egyptian origins of their family, it came as no surprise when…