Tag: return

  • Spirit – Revenge Wolf was not inspired to attack Rabbit.Not on a full moon. Not this rabbit. Maybe the rotting extend to his brain?Maybe he don’t remember the pain? *** Mauvaise idée que d’attaquer ce soirPas ce lapin. Pas sous cette lune pleine. Loup, ne te rapelle-tu l’esprit blême ?Loup, ne te rapelle-tu donc tes…

  • Djinn in a bottle 04 – You’re back!– SALUTATIONS.– I’m so glad to see you again. Since you told me all wine tasted the same to you, I’ve been stockpiling some oddities.– OH? YOU’VE PICKED MY INTEREST. HOW VERY NICE OF YOU TO DO SO.– Let’s celebrate! ***– T’es de retour !– SALUTATIONS.– J’suis si…