Inktober 2019 – 15 – Legend

“In the little village of Providence
There wrote a gentle man,
Filling countless reams from his ghastly dreams,
And a Mythos thus began.

Great Cthulhu! And Mighty Azathoth!
Nyarlathotep! Yog-Shothoth!
In his cosmic tales horror never fails
It’s the Mythos of a king.[…]”

Mythos Of A King – This song is by H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society and appears on the album A Very Scary Solstice (2003).


“Dans le petit village de Providence,
Un homme seul, écrivait,
couchant sur papier, ses horribles songes,
Le Mythe vint ainsi au monde,

Grand Cthulhu ! Et Puissant Azathoth !
Nyarlathotep ! Yog-Shothoth !
De ses contes cosmiques, l’horreur suinte, caustique !
C’est le Mythe d’un Génie ! […]”

Mythos Of A King – Cette chanson écrite par H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society fait partie de l’album A Very Scary Solstice (2003).

Inktober 2019 – Cultists Edition

Ink brush on A6 sketchbook / Encre au pinceau sur Carnet A6