Tag: nature

  • Backyard problem – Honey, why you didn’t cut the elm in the backyard?– I did! Several times, now. – That’s impossible.– I swear, I cut it nice and clean and the next morning it is all grown again! Even the wood I cut’s gone. Somethings happens during the night.– Then get your arse out there…

  • Passiflora I don’t care what others projected onto youI don’t care about the signs they forced on you I’m just glad I can look at you for ever more.A beautiful flower you are, dear passiflore *** Je me fiche bien de ce que les jésuites en disentJe me fiche bien des stigmates et des symboles…

  • Tree of color Still traveling, still wandering, still doodling. *** Toujours sur la route, carnet en main, crayons jouants. Watercolor pencils on A5 sketchbook / Crayons aquarelle sur carnet A5

  • Blossoming As i travel through land and memories,Visiting old friends and new friends,I have with me my pencils to keep tryingTo draw and color my dreams on paper. *** Voyageant par monts et par vauxPour visiter les amis d’hier et de demainJ’emporte mes crayons les plus beauxPour peindre mes reves en chemin. Watercolor pencil and…

  • Shrooms Magical? Maybe… Mystical ? CertainlySome grows in the the dark, some prefers the warm sunMushrooms are indeed tasty and vety prettyBut pick wisely, not the wrong ones or you’ll be gone *** Magiques ? Peut-être… Mystiques ? Certainement.Certains poussent dans l’ombre, d’autres au soleilLes champignons sont mets de merveillesGare à cueillir les bons, sois…

  • Forest Gods The deeper you go in the old forest the stranger encounters you start to get. Eyed rocks, talking plants. mushroom villages… Some parts of nature awaken to some unknown magic, acquiring human traits and mind. Intrigued, you go further. wanting to find the source of this phenomenon. And then, in a large glade…

  • Scattered Ruins Deep in the Middle Mountains, inside the northest forests of the Empire, lies a very strange location where one can find curious ruins scattered among the pines.Made from a curious stone stronger than steel and built in an unique architectural style unkonwn to every archeologists, this place is still a mystery among scholars.…

  • Dragon on the road As you stroll through this narrow forest path, you encounter this small reptile.Standing, wary of you presence, the little creature is gauging you, patiently.What will you do? *** Alors que vous vous promeniez dans les bois, le long de ce sentier étroit, vous croisez ce petit reptile.Dressé, aux aguets, conscient de…

  • Forefront – Here it is Mylord, with the power of my magic, let me show you the bridge of Northund! The weakpoint of your ennemy!– Mmm… Tell me, Mage. Can you…– Yes Mylord?– Can you move the vision a little? There’s something in the way.– Really? Lemme see… Ah. Yes indeed.– Why?– The focus has…

  • Sample acquired Zeta Drone speaking.Samples acquired. Requesting immediate evacuation.Over and out. *** Ici Drone Zeta.Échantillon recueilli.Requiert évacuation immédiate. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6