Tag: Tiny

  • Beware of Dragons Fair enough… I don’t know what I expected. /* Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook – Porte-mine sur carnet A6 */ Ah bah oui… “Attention aux dragons” qu’il disait le vieux.

  • Adventure – All is forgiven So many events happened after the Festival of Attribution. A lifetime of events !When you figured out your new body. When you finally mastered the forked tong. When you join the Purple Guards to defend the Kingdom against the dreaded Harpy-rats.When you fall in love.When you had your firstborn. Then…

  • Adventure – Shadow Giant The plenipotentiary pauses to catch their breath, their clawed hand resting on their knees. After that, they stand again ad starts to yell at the top of their lungs :– “Noble Shadow Giant! We bid you! Welcome!”They pause.- “You’ve entered! The sovereing kingdom! Of Sulei-kin! We do hope! Your intentions! Are…

  • Tiny Old Ones All theses books, all these tales about the Great Old Ones made us forget about the Tiny Old Ones.They are the one who will survive our demise and laugh at our expense. Happy solstice to all of you. ALL of you. You, your friends, your foes, the friends of your friends, the…