Tag: badass

  • Ready for battle Ho-How! ‘tis the eve of battle!Ho-How! ’tis the time to rattle!Sharpen your gear, put up your coatTonight’s the night to face our foes! Traditional dwarven battle chant *** Ho-How ! Sortez vos haches !Ho-How ! Mettez vos mailles !Ce soir nous marchons vers la batailleCe soir parmi nous, pas un seul lâche…

  • Lord Timmy 07 – Payback – It’s payback time, you creep !– Ok. Demon incarnate before me. Broke her restrains, very angry. Spells won’t work. No clothes, no tools, no weapons… Can’t be worse.– I give you one last ch…– Listen, I know you’re you’re angry, it’s because you have your period, right?– Ok. that’s…

  • Atlas I was kinda fed up with the traditional uber-viril Atlas, paragon of masculinity bending his hypertrophied muscles.So here’s an alternate version. *** J’en avais un peu marre de la version ultra-virile d’Atlas, parangon de masculinité bandant ses muscles hypertrophiés.Alors voici une variante. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6      

  • Project Consequences – Dwarves 05 Série d’esquisses pour un projet en cours de world building.Nom de code : Conséquences. *** Series of sketches for a world-building project.Codename: Consequences.

  • Majestic Puny hairless monkey, you dare defying me?I am the pinacle of all the Creation, I am undestructible! I am a Dragon!Know you place insignifiant worm, bow before me! *** Stupide singe glabre, tu oses me défier, un dragon ?Je suis l’ultime pinacle de la création,Je suis indestructible, je suis immortel, moi !Misérable vermisseau, rampe…

  • Gunthar “Gunthar do no like talking” – Longest discourse up to date of Chieftain Gunthar the Eviscerator, Master of the Blackfrost tribe, Scourge of the night elves, last standing orc at the battle of Bragon hills. *** “Gunthar aime pas parler.” – Plus long discours jamais enregistré de Chef Gunthar l’Eviscerateur, Leader de la tribu…

  • Gunthar “Gunthar do no like talking” – Longest discourse up to date of Chieftain Gunthar the Eviscerator, Master of the Blackfrost tribe, Scourge of the night elves, last standing orc at the battle of Bragon hills. *** “Gunthar aime pas parler.” – Plus long discours jamais enregistré de Chef Gunthar l’Eviscerateur, Leader de la tribu…

  • Masks – Unexpected help England, Hitchcock Manor, 22 February 1925 – “Quick ! Follow me ! And do not, I said : DO NOT look behind you.” John couldn’t help himself. As he turn around, he felt more than he saw a cold shadow spreading around the flooded room. Slowly rising from the mud he…