Tag: Great Old Ones

  • Summer snack It’s getting hot. Too hot. We’re readying the place for the arrival of the Great Old Ones, destroying our home planet in the process. And you know the worst? They have nothing to do with this destruction, we’re doing it by ourselves, to ourselves. *** Il fait chaud. Trop chaud. Nous détruisons notre…

  • Invocation II We heard the chants on meadow hills. They were here, by the raised stones, chanting, screaming in the night, this night of walpurgis.We heard the screams in the night. They were here too, and the cultists screamed more. *** Nous avons entendu leurs chants sur Meadow Hills. Ils étaient là, aux pierres levées,…

  • Great Cthulhu III “They worshiped, so they said, the Great Old Ones who lived ages before there were any men, and who came to the young world out of the sky. Those Old Ones were gone now, inside the earth and under the sea; but their dead bodies had told their secrets in dreams to…

  • Nyogtha again ‘Leigh strode to the center of the room, staring at the chair that stood on the black circle of stone. “You work here?” he asked slowly.“Yes. It’s quiet—I found I couldn’t work upstairs. Too noisy. But this is ideal—somehow I find it very easy to write here. My mind feels"—he hesitated—"free; that is,…

  • Nyogtha “Men knew him as the Dweller in Darkness, that brother of the Old Ones called Nyogtha, the Thing that should not be. He can be summoned to Earth’s surface through certain secret caverns and fissures, and sorcerers have seen him in Syria and below the black tower of Leng; from the Thang Grotto of…

  • Stranded flutist The flutist has played for eonsTo calm the Sultan of DemonsOr so it seems, no time here,No place either, so crowded So when came the feeble callfrom a teeny tiny blue ballIt came and eat profusely And now wanders aimlessly Ink brush on A6 sketchbook

  • Elder Sign The shovel hit something soft. Abermal stopped the other, got on his knees and started to dig with his bare hands, slowly revealing the buried torso of a men. Ed was confused, he had been hired to dig a gate, not a corpse. Not that was against the few and sparse remaining principles…

  • Bill Cypher “Triangulum, entangulum. Meteforis dominus ventium. Meteforis venetisarium!egassem sdrawkcab!egassem sdrawkcab!egassem sdrawkcab!egassem sdrawkcab!egassem sdrawkcab!!!” – Gideon Gleeful from Gravity Falls Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook for my Great Old Ones and their kin serie

  • Tiny Old Ones All theses books, all these tales about the Great Old Ones made us forget about the Tiny Old Ones.They are the one who will survive our demise and laugh at our expense. Happy solstice to all of you. ALL of you. You, your friends, your foes, the friends of your friends, the…

  • Hastur
