Category: Uncategorized

  • Project Consequences – Dwarves 02 Série d’esquisses pour un projet en cours de world building.Nom de code : Conséquences. *** Series of sketches for a world-building project.Codename: Consequences.

  • Project Consequences – Dwarves 01 Series of sketches for a world-building project.Codename: Consequences. *** Série d’esquisses pour un projet en cours de world building.Nom de code : Conséquences. Badly scanned Pencil doodle on A6 ketchbook / Scan médiocre et Porte-mine sur carnet A6

  • Anima One-shot 02 – 13 The Plan Thirteen is a fighter, proficient with any weapon. A good rifle and a scope were all they needed. One by one, they cleared the sky of drones. It wasn’t much of a damage and they knew the remaining drones just transmitted their position to the rest of the…

  • Anima One-shot 01 – Carrying 15 Thirteen is fighting their urge to fight. Ironic. The corpse of Fifteen in their hands, they wish they could draw their blades and destroy those damned spiders behind them. Along with Fourteen and Sixteen, they sprint through the desolated street of the now dead city. All the organics are…

  • DrrrZZZrrragon Having light sleep is bad sleepA dragon’s never asleepAlways watching for some thieves Makes them cranky I believe *** Sommeil léger est mauvais sommeilLes dragons ne dorment jamais, ils veillent,Être toujours à l’affut de voleurs,Les rends grognon pour leur malheur Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6

  • WizzzRRRzzzard He pretends to conceptualize obscures arcane stuff and meditate…But his snoring gives him away. *** Il prétend conceptualiser ses arcanes et méditer…Mais ses ronflements le trahissent… Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6

  • Welcome little one That’s it, now push harder!Do not worry, I’m hereHi! I am your motherWelcome to this world, dear. *** C’est bon, oui ! Pousse plus fort!Ne t’inquiete, je suis làTa maman veille sur toiBienvenue, mon trésor. Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6

  • Roots all over Crawling, creeping, wriggling, slithering,from everywhere roots are comingOver and underground, they’re growingThey are moving when you’re not watching *** Rampantes, grimpantes et insinuantesDe partout se faufilent les plantesPar dessus et par dessous, elle croissentEt se meuvent quand ton regard se lasse Pencil doodle on A6 sketchbook / Porte-mine sur carnet A6

  • Scrying the future Old seer, wise wizard, what do you see in you crystal ball?No, seriously, how can you see with such a light?For me, all there is in your future is blindness. *** Vieux devin, sage magicien, que vois-tu dans ta boule de cristal ?Non sérieux, comment peux tu y voir quelque chose avec…

  • Majestic Puny hairless monkey, you dare defying me?I am the pinacle of all the Creation, I am undestructible! I am a Dragon!Know you place insignifiant worm, bow before me! *** Stupide singe glabre, tu oses me défier, un dragon ?Je suis l’ultime pinacle de la création,Je suis indestructible, je suis immortel, moi !Misérable vermisseau, rampe…